Tough Mudder Manchester 2023

Tough Mudder once again returns to Heaton Park for Tough Mudder Manchester 2023.
With the removal of the “city” events, Manchester and Finsbury Park remain on the calendar, whilst personally Heaton Park is a far superior event as compared to Finsbury Park.
As always, the weather in Manchester was forever changeable – really did have 4 seasons in one day. Manchester Heaton Park is relatively flat, but Tough Mudder was able to find all of the bumps around the park, as well as eaking out all of the different bits of trail including a little bit of woodland and some nice trails.
Obstacle of note – Electric Eel had a bit of an upgrade which meant it was “full evil”. Check out 7.30 of the YouTube video – you will not regret it. Lumber Jacked made a return to the course – such a simple looking obstacle, but quite taxing for first timers.
Unfortunately due to the thunder and lightening storms, Electro Shock Therapy was closed when we got to it – although I am sure my friends were happy after taking full zaps at Electric Eel.
Tough Mudder Manchester 2023 YouTube Video
Tough Mudder Manchester 2023 Obstacle list
1 – Hero Walls
2 – Cage Crawl
3 – Devils Beard
4 – Skid Marked
5 – Lumber Jacked
6 – Hero Carry
7 – Hanging Tough
8 – Texas Hold Em
9 – Cry Baby
10 – Ladder to Hell
11 – Just the Tip (10km only)
12 – Augustus Gloop (10km only)
13 – Mine Field (10km only)
14 – Mudder Wheelbarrow (10km only)
15 – Pole Dancer (10km only)
16 – Electric Eel (10km only)
17 – Everest
18 – Twinkle Toes
19 – Arctic Enema
20 – Pyramid Scheme
21 – Mudderhorn
22 – Electro Shock Therapy
Tough Mudder Manchester 2023 image gallery
Tough Mudder Manchester final thoughts
Whilst a “city” style event used to be seen as a little easier than the normal events, but this is still a challenge to many.
Some great terrain across the park, and unlike Finsbury Park, has enough space to not to keep zig zagging across the park to eek out 10km. The pure amount of rain across the weekend, did make it a very different challenge (even when you watch the video, you can see the weather changing across the course) and I know in some parts, the course (especially the finsih line) was a complete mud bath.
If you have never done an obstacle course before, or you’re trying to get your friends into starting OCR, Tough Mudder Manchester is definitely one to look at!
Well done team to my team of 4 newbies, they all took Tough Mudder on with aplumb and they loved it – I really hope I can get them to come to another in 2024!

Scores on the doors
Manchester and Finsbury Park stnad just a little outside the usual Tough Mudders due to being within City Parks. However, out of all the city events TM have done, Manchester Heaton Park is by far and away the best.
- Electric Eel upgrade
- Best "city" style event
- Welcome back Lumber jacked
- Damn that mud
TMBA24-WIL Just use the discount code when checking out at and save 20%!
Discount code valid for your first 10 mile Tough Mudder race, 3-5 mile Tough Mudder, Tough Mudder Infinity or Europes Toughest Mudder.
Discount Code valid until 31st October 2024 and in the UK only.