Tough Mudder London West 2024

My first UK event and it was pretty much as expected – lots of hills, hills and more hills – which is why it is known as “Hilly Henley”. 

Looking back there’s a total of 600m of climb across the 11 mile course. The route has been changed up a little bit, but still hitting the hills and valleys – not the same fun loving down hills, but wonderful views all the same.

The biggest change this season? MEDALS! There are 3 different versions over the season so it’s great to ensure people come back and collect them all!

YouTube Video

Tough Mudder London West 2024 Obstacle List

  1. Lumber Jacked
  2. Kiss of Mud
  3. Bale Bonds
  4. Hero Carry
  5. Dong Dangler
  6. Twinkle Toes
  7. Cage Crawl
  8. Hanging Tough
  9. Electric Eel
  10. Funky Monkey
  11. Stairway to Heaven
  12. Devil’s Beard
  13. Just the Tip
  14. Mudder Wheelbarrow
  15. Quagmire
  16. Blockness Monster
  17. Hero Walls
  18. Everest
  19. Kila Gorilla
  20. Arctic Enema
  21. Skidmarked
  22. Pyramid Scheme
  23. Mudderhorn
  24. Electroshock Therapy

Tough Mudder London West 2024 image gallery

Tough Mudder London West final thoughts

Medals! Now I know this is a change for Tough Mudder, but I do see it as a land grab for the #MedalAddict (like me!) Different versions across the season to help people come back – as well as, of course the legionnaire headbands.

Loved the event! A few small changes to the route made it a little bit more interesting (although, please get rid of Killa Gorilla! 😂). Loving the hills and elevation and its great to see a change to Funky Monkey – I wonder if it comes back in the rest of the UK season in this iteration. 

Still second best to London South in my opinion, but has a totally different terrain, so had its own challenges in a different way

Scores on the doors

8Expert Score

Course Route
Course Obstacles
Event Village
  • Medals
  • Very spectator friendly
  • Hills Hills Hills
  • Change of route
  • Hills Hills Hills 🤣
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Wil Chung