Goals for 2021

2020 was a bit of a bust for racing – you can check out my post about 2020, but I am ever the optimist and looking forward to 2021 and getting back to some “normalcy” along with more races, especially OCR. With this in mind, I want to set Goals for 2021 (or shall we say “Focus”?) as we know that at least writing it down (and posting about it) gives you some form of accountability! Here are my goals for 2021:

  • Half Marathon PB – To be honest, this has been on the list for a while – 2019 went a little wrong (AKA learned a lot) whilst in 2020 I did not run a half marathon distance. I have booked Wrexham Bakery Half Marathon, scheduled for February and working towards this. Fingers crossed it’s on!
  • World’s Toughest Mudder – So this is a goal / focus but I am also just 50/50 on this. The ticket is quite a lot of money, whilst travel is a little limited at the moment. I went to WTM back in 2018 (read the post here) but wasn’t 100% fit and ony managed 20 miles. Again, I learned a lot – and now being in Laughlin, Nevada, it may just be that little warmer!
  • 100km+ in my next 24 hour Ultra – Really proud to run Equinox24 in 2017 and hit my 100km target. However, after more experience under my belt and a few more miles on my legs, I think I can go further. Not sure how much further – 110km would be my first target and we shall see where we go from there.
  • 5km PB – someone described me as a diesel engine rather than a petrol – I think the anology is about right – can’t really sprint off the line, but once I am up to speed I can keep going. But at some point in my training, I would love to have a go at beating my 5km PR (currently 22.20 or something). I’d definitely be aiming for sub-22 and see where we go from there. My 10km PR is now 44:01 so sub 22 should be on the cards at some point in 2021. It’s got to be in a race or Parkrun as I really can’t TT outside of race conditions!

There you have it, my goals of 2021. Let’s see what this year and a “post-pandemic” world has to bring to my OCR and race season! If you want to check out my 2021 race schedule – you can see it here

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Wil Chung