Tough Mudder City Finsbury Park is the urban version of Tough Mudder. Traditionally no water, no mud and no electricity – allowing people to take public transport to the venue. The weekend starts on a Friday, allowing those to maybe finish work and head over as a corporate group! Electro Shock therapy (a very toned down version) did make its debut at Tough Mudder North London based at Finsbury Park. This was also the first 10km version, with previous Tough Mudder City being 5km only.
Tough Mudder City Finsbury Park 2021 YouTube Video
Obstacle List
- 1. Minefied (oops I called it kiss of mud in the video)
- Texas Hold Em
- Hero Carry
- Hero Wall
- Pyramid Scheme
- The Gauntlet
- Gut Buster
- Devil’s Beard
- Skid Marked
- Walk this way
- Black widow
- Pandora’s Box
- Reach Around
- Ape Sh!t
- Mudder Wheelbarrow
- Dong Dangler
- Mudder Horn
- Something about Flaps
- Everest
- Electro Shock Therapy
Recap of Tough Mudder City Finsbury Park
Not two loops, but an actual 10km course was very welcomed. Some main stays of Tough Mudder appeared (Hero walls, Skid Marked and Mudder Horn) at Tough Mudder City, whilst Reach Around was dusted off (I liked this obstacle and the modified version – Stage 5 Clinger) as well as new obstacles not (yet) seen on a Tough Mudder Course – Dingle Dong and Ape Sh!t
If this is how the Tough Mudder pivots to bring more legionnaires to its fold, then the future sure is bright.