Hyrox London 2023 – My first doubles event

What is a Hyrox?

Essentially 8 fitness stations preceded by 1km of running. All Hyrox events have the same 8 stations but weights are different for women/men and pro division.
The 8 stations are:

  • 1km Ski (on Concept2 SkiErg)
  • 50m Sled Push: 102kg (W) / 152kg (M)
  • 50m Sled Pull: 78kg (W) / 103kg (M)
  • 80m Burpee Broad Jump
  • 1km Row (on Concept2 Rower)
  • 200m Kettle Bells Farmers Carry: 16kg (W) – 24kg (M)
  • 100m Sandbag Lunges: 10kg (W) – 20kg (M)
  • 75 / 100 reps Wall Balls: 4kg (W) – 6kg (M)
In the doubles, both partners must complete each 1km run, but can split up the station however way they see fit. As you can see from the rundown below, we split most things 50/50 but some stations were split more in favour of Kiaran or myself depending on our strengths (or weaknesses)

Hyrox London - YouTube Video

How did we get on?

Well, you should really watch the video to see how we got on. But here is a quick blow by blow:

  • 1km Ski – we discussed how we would split this one up. I have the better cardio of the two of us so I would “attack” the first and last 250m whilst Kiaran takes on the middle 500m. Did well and on to the next…
  • 50m Sled Push: 102kg (W) / 152kg (M) – This really took it out of me in my solo attempt, we split it around 60/40 with Kiaran taking on the extra (its far too heavy for me!). Unfortunately I didnt listen to UK.HXR and forgot to heel lock, meaning my trainers kept slipping!
  • 50m Sled Pull: 78kg (W) / 103kg (M) – much better, splitting 50/50 – Kiaran was definitely faster than me though and I got a warning for going over the line (I didnt even know this was a thing!
  • 80m Burpee Broad Jump – A nasty workout – we split it 55/45 – I am smaller and shorter so slightly easier for me to complete compared to Kiaran.
  • 1km Row (on Concept2 Rower) – Split 50/50 – was good to have a bit of a recovery compared to the BBJs!
  • 200m Kettle Bells Farmers Carry: 16kg (W) – 24kg (M) – I took the first 100m here (walking) whilst the monster took over and ran the second 100m
  • 100m Sandbag Lunges: 10kg (W) – 20kg (M) – Another tough one, I probably did 110m – again, being shorter to the ground is an advantage!
  • 75 / 100 reps Wall Balls: 4kg (W) – 6kg (M) – Another nemesis of mine, I am a little short and with the arm strength of a 12 year old girl. I was literally leaping for each rep. Kiaran took the majority – probably 60/40
We finished overall with 1:25:25 – Well under the 1:30 we set for ourselves before hand, but we can definitely hit sub 1:20 with a little more work. Had a few no reps on the Wall Balls which would have itself brought the time down

Doing another Hyrox event?

Well at the moment, I don’t have any booked, PLUS tickets so sell out pretty quick! So nothing booked at the moment….

Did I enjoy the event? Yes, so much better in doubles than singles – I am pretty much the wrong shape for a Hyrox event (doing it solo at least)

Would I do another Hyrox event? Yes I would, however, Fitness racing would always come second to Road running or obstacle racing. 

Want to know more about Hyrox?

Hyrox – uk.hyrox.com

Want to know more about fitness racing? Follow UK.HXR on instagram.

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Wil Chung