Hyrox London 2023 – My first doubles event
What is a Hyrox?
Essentially 8 fitness stations preceded by 1km of running. All Hyrox events have the same 8 stations but weights are different for women/men and pro division.
The 8 stations are:
- 1km Ski (on Concept2 SkiErg)
- 50m Sled Push: 102kg (W) / 152kg (M)
- 50m Sled Pull: 78kg (W) / 103kg (M)
- 80m Burpee Broad Jump
- 1km Row (on Concept2 Rower)
- 200m Kettle Bells Farmers Carry: 16kg (W) – 24kg (M)
- 100m Sandbag Lunges: 10kg (W) – 20kg (M)
- 75 / 100 reps Wall Balls: 4kg (W) – 6kg (M)
Hyrox London - YouTube Video
How did we get on?
Well, you should really watch the video to see how we got on. But here is a quick blow by blow:
- 1km Ski – we discussed how we would split this one up. I have the better cardio of the two of us so I would “attack” the first and last 250m whilst Kiaran takes on the middle 500m. Did well and on to the next…
- 50m Sled Push: 102kg (W) / 152kg (M) – This really took it out of me in my solo attempt, we split it around 60/40 with Kiaran taking on the extra (its far too heavy for me!). Unfortunately I didnt listen to UK.HXR and forgot to heel lock, meaning my trainers kept slipping!
- 50m Sled Pull: 78kg (W) / 103kg (M) – much better, splitting 50/50 – Kiaran was definitely faster than me though and I got a warning for going over the line (I didnt even know this was a thing!
- 80m Burpee Broad Jump – A nasty workout – we split it 55/45 – I am smaller and shorter so slightly easier for me to complete compared to Kiaran.
- 1km Row (on Concept2 Rower) – Split 50/50 – was good to have a bit of a recovery compared to the BBJs!
- 200m Kettle Bells Farmers Carry: 16kg (W) – 24kg (M) – I took the first 100m here (walking) whilst the monster took over and ran the second 100m
- 100m Sandbag Lunges: 10kg (W) – 20kg (M) – Another tough one, I probably did 110m – again, being shorter to the ground is an advantage!
- 75 / 100 reps Wall Balls: 4kg (W) – 6kg (M) – Another nemesis of mine, I am a little short and with the arm strength of a 12 year old girl. I was literally leaping for each rep. Kiaran took the majority – probably 60/40
Doing another Hyrox event?
Well at the moment, I don’t have any booked, PLUS tickets so sell out pretty quick! So nothing booked at the moment….
Did I enjoy the event? Yes, so much better in doubles than singles – I am pretty much the wrong shape for a Hyrox event (doing it solo at least)
Would I do another Hyrox event? Yes I would, however, Fitness racing would always come second to Road running or obstacle racing.
Want to know more about Hyrox?
Hyrox – uk.hyrox.com
Want to know more about fitness racing? Follow UK.HXR on instagram.